Monday, August 29, 2022

Research:Reflection on the Syllabus  

    Upon reading the Cambridge International AS and A level Media Studies 9607 syllabus I was able to understand and learn what this course would consist of. Media has become part of this generation's daily part of life, so although I have no prior experience with learning about the depth that goes into media,I do have experience using and watching media daily. 

    Three aspects that I am looking forward to in this course is being able to learn the depth of media and how and why media is produced or projected in a certain way. I would like to know how, for example, movies or social media platforms create their products with a means of capturing the audience and using different strategies to do so. I am also looking forward to producing my own type of media like the movie introduction as well as the blog and being able to analyze and deconstruct media to better understand what is being presented. 

    Three aspects of the course that I am most nervous about is having enough to say in all my blog entries. I am also nervous about memorizing or understanding some of the reasons behind how and why the media produces things in a certain way, as well as making the film introduction as best produced as possible. In this course I hope to gain an understanding of how diverse types of media use their resources and power to produce and distribute something that can affect the lives of people, whether it is a movie, television show, music, social media or so many other types of media that have become a regular concept in our lives.

    After having read and reviewed the requirements for Component 1, the set brief I will complete will be Option 1: Film opening task (video). Upon completion of the product, I will answer the following compulsory Creative Critical Reflection questions using a digital format:

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 
  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
  • How did you integrate technologies -software, hardware and online- in this project?


My name is Francesca and I am a senior at MAST Academy. For my final year in high school I decided to take AS Media studies because it seemed like an interesting topic to go into depth and understand the
influence that media has on people and the reason behind why media sources like movies or social media do things in a certain way and how these techniques make an impact on every persons daily life.

Currently I see myself in the future studying in University a career in the medical field, specifically psychiatry. I have some hobbies that include playing the violin, learning new languages, and watching
movies and TV shows. 

The violin is a hobby in which I feel relaxed and not pressured especially since I practice whenever I feel like I need to.

I like to learn new languages because I like to be able to
understand and communicate with other people, currently I am fluent in Spanish, English, and French and am practicing Italian.

Watching movies and TV shows is also another way I relax, I enjoy looking further into the production of movies or TV shows to see the effort that gets put into these works, I can spend hours looking at behind the scenes of any show or movie that catches my attention. 

Some of my favorite movies include Grease,Footloose,Back to the Future,Mamma Mia,Karate Kid and Enola Holmes.