Saturday, February 25, 2023

 Creative Critical Reflection 2 Digital presentation commentary 

For my second creative critical reflection I Answered the question:

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

I did this by make a commentary on my film opening

Through the use of props, actors, lighting and editing, conventions were challenged. Actors who might not be typical to the role were casted to break conventions as well as the lighting being brighter than a typical horror movie. 

We also followed conventions with blood and body parts. It was engaging being able to make some of the props, for example I made the blood using transparent glue and food coloring. 

Making the female a leading role in a horror film breaks conventions of a typical male killer. 

The costumes also followed conventions of a suspicious killer with her hood up and typical clothes for a teenage boy. His clothes were simple and plain typical for its times. 

The white noise of the background and no dialogue added to the enigma of the film since it created suspense for the viewers. 

In this commentary, I used a voice over to use specific examples from our film opening to demonstrate the convention being broken and the representation of different social groups. 

I paused in certain clips to show specific examples and was able to move back and forth throughout the video. I did this be screen recording myself moving the movie and adding a Voiceover on I movie. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 Creative Critical Reflection 1 Digital presentation prezi

For the first creative critical reflection I answered the question: 

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

I believe that my role in this project had a major use of technology especially when it came to editing, sound and research. Without the technology I had accessible like a phone, computer or I pad I would not have been able to create our final project to look as clean as it is being presented. 

With applications like I movie and YouTube as well as airdrop I was able to compile the clips together and add choose which clips worked the best for the movie as well as make the sound clear. 

I was able to advance my technology skills because I had to research different ways to edit the sound from the actual clip, how to upload videos on YouTube, and how to make everything into a good quality. 

Technology was also used to communicate with my group and plan where to meet to film, inform the actors on when they had to film, and plan the roles, props, and the discussions about the project. 

Technology was one of the most helpful and useful benefits I had to make the movie as best as possible.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

 Planning: Experience on the day of filming

Filming the final film opening was an immersive and exciting experience between a lot of people in my Media Studies class. 



We started to record after school at around 3:30 pm.


We had some trouble on the day of filming because just when we were heading to film, it started to rain. Thankfully when we got there the weather cleared up and was the perfect environment to film in. 

A picture of Valentina and I at the filming location ready to get to work! Valentina is one of the members in my group 

 We all met up at the gas station and got to work. We set up our props got the costumes on and started to record. 


Preparing Hugo to get into character 

Fabiana filming one of the scenes 

Some things did not go as expected, as I had written in a previous blog, I had originally wanted the lighting to be dark to give a creepy and mysterious touch to the opening, but due to everyone’s schedules we had to film earlier, meaning brighter light. Although that did not go as expected it was still a good time of day to film since it challenges horror conventions. 


At the gas station that allowed us to film with the props we made and bought

It took around 2 hours to film, and we were done by 5-5:30. The people that worked at the gasoline stop were very helpful and provided us with the trash bag as well as allowing us to film in the location. 


Our main character played by Alexandra and one of the students in our media studies class who was there to support, he also gave us a ride because of the rain

There were some mistakes and funny clips in which some things did not go as planned, but after some takes, we were able to get it right. 


The collaboration between different groups was a great way in which we all were able to feel comfortable which recording and preparing to film.