Saturday, February 25, 2023

 Creative Critical Reflection 2 Digital presentation commentary 

For my second creative critical reflection I Answered the question:

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

I did this by make a commentary on my film opening

Through the use of props, actors, lighting and editing, conventions were challenged. Actors who might not be typical to the role were casted to break conventions as well as the lighting being brighter than a typical horror movie. 

We also followed conventions with blood and body parts. It was engaging being able to make some of the props, for example I made the blood using transparent glue and food coloring. 

Making the female a leading role in a horror film breaks conventions of a typical male killer. 

The costumes also followed conventions of a suspicious killer with her hood up and typical clothes for a teenage boy. His clothes were simple and plain typical for its times. 

The white noise of the background and no dialogue added to the enigma of the film since it created suspense for the viewers. 

In this commentary, I used a voice over to use specific examples from our film opening to demonstrate the convention being broken and the representation of different social groups. 

I paused in certain clips to show specific examples and was able to move back and forth throughout the video. I did this be screen recording myself moving the movie and adding a Voiceover on I movie.