Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 Creative Critical Reflection 1 Digital presentation prezi

For the first creative critical reflection I answered the question: 

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

I believe that my role in this project had a major use of technology especially when it came to editing, sound and research. Without the technology I had accessible like a phone, computer or I pad I would not have been able to create our final project to look as clean as it is being presented. 

With applications like I movie and YouTube as well as airdrop I was able to compile the clips together and add choose which clips worked the best for the movie as well as make the sound clear. 

I was able to advance my technology skills because I had to research different ways to edit the sound from the actual clip, how to upload videos on YouTube, and how to make everything into a good quality. 

Technology was also used to communicate with my group and plan where to meet to film, inform the actors on when they had to film, and plan the roles, props, and the discussions about the project. 

Technology was one of the most helpful and useful benefits I had to make the movie as best as possible.