Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Planning:Brainstorm for Practice Project

Today in class we started discussing the first practice project, film opening. We decided our groups and started brainstorming ideas on how the opening scene would work.

Our groups current genre idea is a horror/thriller.

Narrative: We want the narrative to be similar to the opening scene of The Joker, which gives a start to a creepy and mysterious character that starts off normal and slowly starts to make it visible that he is trouble.

Click to see the opening scene: 
Link to Opening scene of the Joker

Title Card: We brainstormed that the title card could be dark colors, representing the mystery behind it, maybe with shades of red, which can signify blood or Anger. 

Credits: The credits of the film opening would be displayed at either the end of the scene, or while the scene is rolling, on the sides or on top. We would give credit to the creators of the film opening and the actors. In the group creating the opening scene, it is Francesca, Valentina, and Fabiana. 

Institution: We are still coming up with new ideas, but currently we have an idea for a name of the institution, or production company, called VFF

Enigma code: The enigma code is still up for discussion. We want something that hooks the audience. We were thinking something suspenseful like the "killer" staring into the camera or into a mirror. Or a dog walking with paw prints of blood, leaving the audience wondering where the blood is coming from if the dog is still alive. 

This was our group in class watching the opening scene of The Joker to get an idea for our own project 

Sketch by group member on the idea we came up with for the opening scene, including the dog