Sunday, September 25, 2022

Planning:Practice film Opening  

In class we started planning with our groups how our opening scene will play out. We created our story boards and started thinking of a name for our film, the casting, location, and wardrobe, props, and written codes. 


For the name of the film we first came out with the idea of calling the film, Hugo, because that is the name of the main character. We ran into trouble when we remembered there is a film already named Hugo, so after going through our opening scene we can up with the idea of Trail of Blood. 

Planning out the name of our film and figuring out the order sequence of each shot 


For casting we wanted someone who looked innocent, yet had a more complex mind. We decided to ask a classmate in our Media Studies class named Hugo to play the main character. 

Hugo, main character 

Making arrangements and how we will film the opening

Drawing out the story board


We are still thinking about where the film opening is going to take place. We want to use the trail behind our school for some of the scenes as well as the bathroom and a classroom

Watching the film opening of It and taking inspiration for a creepy look and having our opening take place mostly outside 


We want a simplistic wardrobe, regular clothing like a plain colored shirt and jeans


For props, we want to use fake blood for the scene on the trail and in the bathroom. We also want to use one of our dogs to play the part of Hugo's dog. 

Written codes: 

The title of the film is still up for discussion. We want it simple with large dark letters and hints of red. The film opening will not have any dialogue except diegetic and non diegetic sounds like panting and running. 

Current storyboard, ideas of how the opening scene would go in sequence