Thursday, November 17, 2022

 Research:Sound Editing 

Today in class we learned about the effect that sound has on media and how it is edited. 

First we looked at the effect that sound has on the audience

Different types of sounds add meaning to a film, for example in horror film eery and creepy ,music is played to showcase the suspense, or during sad scenes melancholic music and sound is played. 

Some sound elements of sound include: 

 Harmony: the combination of multiple musical motes in a cord

 dissonance: no harmony within musical notes, clashing of notes

 discordance: no agreement or consistency

 Rhythm: a pattern of movement of sound

 pitch: the quality and vibrations of sound, high and low levels of tone 

and many more

These different sound elements combine to add meaning to media. 

In the opening scene of Aladdin 2017, through the rhythm of the sound that flows and has different pitches on the deeper side, it gives a mysterious tone to the opening scene, intriguing. 

In certain media text there is diegetic which is sound coming from the media and non diegetic sound which is added to the media. 

For example in this scene from Top Gun Maverick, the music playing is non diegetic and the sound from the planes is diegetic sound 

Foley sound is sound effects that are created to enhance drama, for example, footsteps, heavy breathing or even gunshots. 

these sounds are edited together through different cuts 

L- cut: sound from previous scene continues through next scene 

J- cut: Sound from next scene starts playing through previous scene 

In this opening scene from Black Panther, the use of a J cut was first introduced as a character was talking while the screen was black and then changing to the next scene. 

All of the different types of sounds are used to set up the mood for the audience and create a deeper understanding to what is happening during a scene.