Monday, November 7, 2022

 Planning: Final project brainstorm

In class today, we got together in our groups to plan the final two minute film opening. 

The first step we took was decide who was going to do what. 


Valentina: Assistant Director, Casting director, screenplay, producer

Fabiana: Director, screenplay, storyboard, producer

Francesca: Sound, Editing, Makeup, Costumes, Camerawork, producer 

After diving the roles we started to brainstorm ideas of what the film opening was going to be like:

Description: A guy in a gasoline store gets chips, standing in a corner looks at garbage man taking out the trash, blood drips from bag and some body part falls out, eye contact between the two characters, man with chips runs away. 

We decided to do a thriller film opening because we thought it would be the most exciting and interesting one to film 

We now need to decide where we will film it and who our cast will be. 

The story is still being re arranged and changed as we elaborate and think of new ideas.