Wednesday, November 30, 2022

 Research: Review of Movie Money Confidential 

Today in class we watched the documentary "Money Confidential" which outlines the work that gets put into film production specifically in independent films.Multiple producers, director and budget coordinators explain their struggles and tips on how to succeed when creating any form of film. 

The documentary mainly focuses oil the independent film The Blair Witch Project which was successful in views and revenues. 

Personally, I enjoyed this film and found that it provided me with not only information that I could use in my short film but also information useful for the real world

This link is an interview with Louis Levison, thank about business plan:

I was able to learn what a business plan is and how without the use of any actors, producers or directors you cos get people to invest in the production of the film. 

This documentary enlightened and created some ideas on how my group and I will produce our film opening: 

1. How are we going to determine our audience?

We will be determining our audience by choosing a genre that we truly enjoy and feel passionate about in order toy produce the best film opening possible towards an audience interested in the same genre. In the documentary it was stated that if you only make a short film for money then it won't be successful so we are doing it with passion

2. How are we going to produce it?

First we have to have a business plan in which we outline the budget we will meed and find ways to meet our budget and accommodate to our economic situation. Then everyone in the group will be in charge of different aspects and come together to film

3. How are we going to raise money?

Since this is a student film and is only a short film opening, we will have to come up with our own funds mostly out of our own pocket. Since production cost will be low, the need to gather money is not necessary. Most of the technology used we already have and the sets will be places around the city. We might ask pitch

our ideas to our parents to see if they will help with funds. 

4. Marketing 

Through the use of social media I believe we can advertise of film opening to get people interested. I also believe that were can show our friends and teachers around school and play our film opening in class for other classmates to see.