Wednesday, December 28, 2022

 Research: Pre-digital era film or music production

Today in class we practiced how we would produce a movie in the pre digital era and what we needed to make sure it was available and advertised to people. 

These are some of the answers to the pre digital era questions: 

After this exercise I learned how to advertise film and how the experience of making movies before technology would have been challenging but possible.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Planning: Updated Script 

This is the final version of the script we are going to use for the final film opening 

The script we originally wrote was almost exactly the same but we made sure to finish the final part and make some minor changes to camera movements and small grammar mistakes

Since there was no dialogue, our script mainly consisted on what the characters do and how the camera would move. 

It also describes and explained the mood and environment.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Planning: Audience Survey 

Today I created an audience survey and sent it out to different people to see what demographic of people enjoy certain types of film and what audience we could address our film to.

These were the questions we asked in the form:

I sent the form to different people to try and get the most diverse results. I am going to wait another week for answers to assure the film is being addressed to the correct demographic. 

So far 85.7% of people who answered the survey have been between the ages of 16-18. 

71.4% of the people would rather horror films and 42% like thrillers.

85.7% were female, and 57% rather watch rated R movies.

I think that with our current answers the audience that will be mostly
interested in our film is females between the ages of 16-18. After a week I will check back on the form to see if anything has changes and make sure the demographic is correct.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Planning: script

Today in class I worked on the script with a member of my group Fabiana. We divided it evenly and decided to write it according to the story board. This is our first draft of the script, but I think that with time we will make some corrections and changes to make it better and fit it to the film.




I wrote the second half of the script all the way to the end. We are still missing a few details from the middle of the script, but we will keep adding and tweaking it to be perfect. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

 Planning: Costumes for film opening 

Today in class I prepared some ideas of what the costume design would be like. Since we will be having the “killer” be a girl, I decided that it would be best to have.


I first decided to search what color represents danger. According to St.Olaf College, the color red is the most representative of danger. 


I first wanted the costume for the character Sadie to be a red shirt with a regular pair of jeans, since we wanted to not make it obvious that she is the killer. 


But then after some more research, I am using the movie “Monster” as a stand point to base the costuming off Aileen Wuornos, which is the killer in the movie. She dresses very casually but wear a lot of darker colors like black. 

 Since our character is also blonde, I think the contrast between the two colors, and the casual but dangerous outfit, the character would be in perfect shape.


I think jeans with a black shirt and a blazer is most fit to the character, making her suspicious but normal at the same time. Since the film opening will be shot will it is getting dark outside, the dark colors will blend in with the environment making it the perfect way for the killer to e lurching in the dark. We don’t want the killer to stand out.


For Johnny’s character, his outfit will be relating more towards a typical teenage boy in this time. I researched some simple outfits worn by teenage boys,


From this website I decided that since it will be later on throughout the day, to choose a simple flannel opened shirt with a shirt underneath and a pair of jeans

I enjoy choosing the costume design because I feel like it adds dynamic to the character. I still have to adjust and make some changes to the costumes but later on the cast will be trying out different clothes to see which would be a good fit. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

 Planning: Sound and lighting for film Opening 

Today in class we had time to plan further upon the film opening. Today I focused on the lighting and sound for the film.


Lighting: We are filming the opening in the late afternoon around 6pm when the sun is setting, meaning it would be dark. I decided that this time would be best because we could use the contrast between the gasoline lights and dark sky. 


When Sadie the killer is standing outside the gasoline store, I was thinking of putting her in a corner hiding within the shadows created by the light from the gasoline stop. Her whole body would be on the shadows and her costume will blend in with that as well.  


For Johnny, when he is inside the gasoline store the lighting would be regular store lighting and when he is outside he could stand in a well lit areas, contrasting the dangerous shadows of the killer and the bright light of an innocent teenage boy. 

For example Blanche in the movie A streetcar Named desire uses the shadows to cover her face. Shadows are a way in which Sadie would hide her identity and remain mysterious. 


We will not be using any other form of lighting apart from the one already and the gasoline station and the night sky. 


Sound: since there will not be much dialogue I was thinking of keeping the original sound from the video clips. Hearing the doors open and close and the bag of chips opening. While editing I wanted to add sounds to highlight some of the sounds like adding footsteps sounds for when the killer is walking towards Johnny.

For Sound equipment, I ordered a microphone off and online shopping source that can be connected to phones or even certain types of cameras. 

This microphone would make it easier to pick up on small noises and sounds that could be useful while editing, if any unpleasant sound is recorded I can mute the clip or replace it with sounds like footsteps. 


I decided it would be better to not add any music since it can keep the mystery and suspense up. The quiet and hyper fixation on the small noises can make the audience want to know what is happening and why every noise matters. 


I think that for lighting and audience we can take the most advantage of what we have from the gasoline store and the night without the need of edit in any lighting or add any songs.

Monday, December 5, 2022

 Planning: Audience In final film opening 

After analyzing our main idea and plan of the film opening, I researched what rating it would associate with the best. 


According to, rated R movies are movies that present sensitive material like bloody images, sexual content, and other adult material, meaning anyone under the age of 17 needs to be accompanied by a guardian. Rated PG-13 means that some content might be inappropriate for pre-teens. 





I decided that the targeted audience would be around the ages of 14-18, high school age average. That leaves the movie at a pg-13 rating


I decided on this target audience because after asking my peers in class what type of movies they like, a majority responded with genres corresponding to this rating. 


To make the film opening appealing to the audience I decided that it would be best to add a sense of suspense to get the audience hooked, since suspense makes the audience stay for more, especially when it relates to murder. 


We also wanted to appeal to a female audience, with representation. since killers are usually male, we decided to make ours female, although the audience might not connect with the killer it still give the opportunity for women to get leading roles in a movie especially with these type of films. 


Researching movie ratings



I will expand further upon the audience by conducting a survey to ask other people what type of movies they enjoy and enjoy to potentially change the rating and demographic. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

  Research: Further upon Money Confidential 

In class we continued to watch and finish the movie, Money Confidential. I found that this movie was inspirational since it showcased stories and people who worked hard for their success.

It also explained how there are many other ways to receive money. 

For example local governments can give funds to small producer especially from the film commissioner office. 

There are also trade shows which is a way in which producers or film makes can earn equipment by wining raffles or competitions. 

To save money it was also advice to plan the schedule ahead of time to keep costs down and know exactly howe much money is needed. 

the movie also gave great advice. A quote that stuck with me was that if you ask for money you will receive advice but if you ask for advice you will receive money

Showcasing your independent film in festivals is an amazing way to catch the attention of companies, showcase your work, and receive great opportunities. 

Apart from giving tips on how to earn money and showcase work, the movie explained how representation in todays society is important. For example in an interview in Salma Hayek, she talks about how she was proud to represent her Lebanese background apart from her hispanic background and how this made the film "The Prophet" successful.

I thought that this documentary was a great way to showcase how the film industry is an enjoyable but hard working environment that need many components to be successful.