Saturday, December 24, 2022

Planning: Audience Survey 

Today I created an audience survey and sent it out to different people to see what demographic of people enjoy certain types of film and what audience we could address our film to.

These were the questions we asked in the form:

I sent the form to different people to try and get the most diverse results. I am going to wait another week for answers to assure the film is being addressed to the correct demographic. 

So far 85.7% of people who answered the survey have been between the ages of 16-18. 

71.4% of the people would rather horror films and 42% like thrillers.

85.7% were female, and 57% rather watch rated R movies.

I think that with our current answers the audience that will be mostly
interested in our film is females between the ages of 16-18. After a week I will check back on the form to see if anything has changes and make sure the demographic is correct.