Friday, December 9, 2022

 Planning: Costumes for film opening 

Today in class I prepared some ideas of what the costume design would be like. Since we will be having the “killer” be a girl, I decided that it would be best to have.


I first decided to search what color represents danger. According to St.Olaf College, the color red is the most representative of danger. 


I first wanted the costume for the character Sadie to be a red shirt with a regular pair of jeans, since we wanted to not make it obvious that she is the killer. 


But then after some more research, I am using the movie “Monster” as a stand point to base the costuming off Aileen Wuornos, which is the killer in the movie. She dresses very casually but wear a lot of darker colors like black. 

 Since our character is also blonde, I think the contrast between the two colors, and the casual but dangerous outfit, the character would be in perfect shape.


I think jeans with a black shirt and a blazer is most fit to the character, making her suspicious but normal at the same time. Since the film opening will be shot will it is getting dark outside, the dark colors will blend in with the environment making it the perfect way for the killer to e lurching in the dark. We don’t want the killer to stand out.


For Johnny’s character, his outfit will be relating more towards a typical teenage boy in this time. I researched some simple outfits worn by teenage boys,


From this website I decided that since it will be later on throughout the day, to choose a simple flannel opened shirt with a shirt underneath and a pair of jeans

I enjoy choosing the costume design because I feel like it adds dynamic to the character. I still have to adjust and make some changes to the costumes but later on the cast will be trying out different clothes to see which would be a good fit.