Sunday, December 4, 2022

  Research: Further upon Money Confidential 

In class we continued to watch and finish the movie, Money Confidential. I found that this movie was inspirational since it showcased stories and people who worked hard for their success.

It also explained how there are many other ways to receive money. 

For example local governments can give funds to small producer especially from the film commissioner office. 

There are also trade shows which is a way in which producers or film makes can earn equipment by wining raffles or competitions. 

To save money it was also advice to plan the schedule ahead of time to keep costs down and know exactly howe much money is needed. 

the movie also gave great advice. A quote that stuck with me was that if you ask for money you will receive advice but if you ask for advice you will receive money

Showcasing your independent film in festivals is an amazing way to catch the attention of companies, showcase your work, and receive great opportunities. 

Apart from giving tips on how to earn money and showcase work, the movie explained how representation in todays society is important. For example in an interview in Salma Hayek, she talks about how she was proud to represent her Lebanese background apart from her hispanic background and how this made the film "The Prophet" successful.

I thought that this documentary was a great way to showcase how the film industry is an enjoyable but hard working environment that need many components to be successful.