Thursday, March 2, 2023


 Creative Critical Reflection 3 Digital presentation Animaker video

For my third creative critical reflection I decided to answer the question: 

How did your production skills develop through this project? 

I decided to answer this question through the app animaker making an animated interview to answer and explore this question 


As I mentioned in the video, I mostly developed my editing skills since that was one of my main jobs in this project. In comparison to the first project I knew how to make my transitions cleaner and how to add better sound to my film. 

My skills when it came to audio and lighting also improved since I was able to adjust some of the lighting in I movie to be concise and add folly sounds to the background to make the audio clear. 

My costume skills also developed as I was able to explore the meaning behind every costume and what even the color of a shirt could mean for a character. I made sure each costume was representative of the characters persona. 

In order to make this animaker video, I created an account and made my own avatar to make it look like myself being interviewed. I voiced both characters. 

I used a Voiceover feature on the app that allowed me to record what I was saying and make the mouths of the characters move in the same way. I also used the different poses and backgrounds the app had to make the avatars move as well and making the background look like a professional interview. I used the text boxes from the app to add the text.