Monday, October 31, 2022

Research: Finding Meaning In Media- Moving Image Analysis

Update: Reflection

After reading the example presented to us in class, I realized that I am at a good start but could be adding more to my analysis. I think I had a good use of basic elements of film analysis like miss-en-scene or camerawork but i could have added better connections between my point and how it tied the film opening together. I should have also analyzed the written codes more since they had significant meaning in this film. Overall I feel like I am at a good start but I could add more details and vocabulary words to further advance my argument. 

Today in class we practiced writing component 1 of the Cambridge AS media studies exam.

 In this clip we are shown an early morning some place in the deserted cold. We see it from a third person perspective, looking towards the characters and the landscape. We are shown a man who has killed someone and after a few months 2 people find the dead or rotting body. I will be exploring the significance of this clip through the use of Mise en scene, camerawork, sound and editing. 

     The mise en scene adds a lot of complexity and meaning towards the clip. the costumes in this clip seem to include at the beginning a man wearing a white suite, similar to a hazmat suite holding a gun. Later the two girls are wearing typical clothing for the cold including hats, gloves and scarves. The white suite makes us believe the man is part of an organization, researcher scientist since he also has a backpack with many instruments that could be used for research. The props, like the gun makes shows that the man is either using it for protection or to intentionally kill someone or something. The lighting is important because it shows us the time of day, as well as the environment feeling, since it looks like it is day but it is still a bit dark and gray it shows that the environment is dangerous. 

    The camerawork of this clip also adds significance towards the significance of this clip for the audience, It gives the audience perspective of where the clip takes place since mostly wide angle and establishing shots are used, The establishing and wide angle shots show how small the characters are in comparison to their white and empty environment. We also have POV shots when the man is pointing the gun towards the polar bear and the man behind the polar bear. These clips give an audience a perspective of the characters as well as what is happening from thirds person view. 

    The sound and editing are big factors when it comes to analyzing this clip. At the beginning of the clip the, we hear diegetic sounds coming from the clip, specifically we hear the waves clashing and the ice moving. nThe whole beginning of the clip is just diegetic sounds, which adds to the eery and dark feeling the clip gives. When the clip flashes forward 3 months, music starts to play, non diegetic sound.The music starts off slow and with a soft beat, but when the two girls find the body, the beat starts to speed up showing the urgency or the suspense that is happening. The editing of this clip also gives dynamic to the clip. There are many cut in and cut away shots from the character to the landscape and vise versa. There are also many shots from up high most likely filmed by drones used o show the whole are. This editing helps the character feel established and understand the surroundings. 

    In conclusion, the clips presented today uses many techniques such and mise en scene, camerawork, sound and editing to give the audience emending to the clip. The clip gives the audience background behind the dead body tat was found and as well as letting them know that this will later become important throughout the course of the film.