Monday, October 24, 2022

 Research: Audience Theory

    In class we discussed the different aspects of audience theory and what it contains. 

Some of the aspects included in Audience Theory are: 

- The Hypodermic Model 

- Two step flow theory 

- Cultivation theory 

- Uses and Gratification Model 

- Reception Analysis 

- Interactive Audiences 

1. The Hypodermic theory is the way to supposedly convince or persuade an audience through media that is seen as "weak and passive" as told in Mr.Holly English media studies website. This theory explains that the audience has no power when it comes to media "injecting" ideas in to the mind. 

2. The two step two step flow theory suggests that the audience receives information from media, they process it and then filter the information with their own opinions and interpretation

3. The cultivation theory is when an audience is described as easily influenced by advertisement and affect the audiences thoughts and ideas. it also includes the ideas of desensitization meaning that audience loose the effect that violence has on them. 

  • For example watching a clip of someone getting shot would not affect an audience in a deep emotional level 

4. The Use and gratification model suggests that an audience chooses a certain media type to consume based on their personal preferences or what fits to their needs. Audience has control on what media to consume. 

5. Reception analysis is a theory in which it is said that an audience can change the way they perceive and consume certain media depending on what happens in their daily life
  • For example if you were having a bad day and you see an ad about a pet adoption center, you could be more sensitive and persuaded to adopt a pet. 
6. Interactive audience is a way to describe the people who use and manipulate on a daily bases. A prosumer is how a person who consumes and makes media is described. 

I learned that the different aspects in audience theory can be different ways to describe how different type of people consume media and can be used to decide what type of audience you want to aim to and use how to aim towards that audience.