Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Research:Target audience and Representation Analysis 

Today in class we analyzed two different commercials aimed to a certain. audience and what type of codes the used to persuade the audience. 

the first commercial we analyzed was from Bailey liquor company.

Questions used to analyze: 

1. Who created this message? 

Bailey's liquor company 

2. Which techniques are used to attract my attention? 

Using female protagonist made me feel represented as a female. The costumes like the white and neutral color dresses caught my attention as well. 

3. How might different people interpret this message? 

Different people might interpret this message as women being powerful and not needing a man to defend them, as well as just because women look dainty and fragile does not mean they can't drink. Others may see it as a regular liquor company without any deeper meaning. 

4. Which lifestyles, values, and point of view are represented-- or missing? What socio-economic group would most likely tap into this message?

Women are the main group of people being represented. Usually seen as fragile and delicate, women are represented to also be able to fight and drink an alcoholic beverage usually seen as a mans drink. Women are most likely to tap to this message since they were mostly represented. 

5. What is the message being sent? 

the message being sent is for women to also drink Bailey's liquor because just because the are seen as delicate and fragile a woman can drink a "mans" drink and be as strong and powerful as a man. It also sends a message for women to stick and enjoy time together with the drink. 

6. Why is this message being sent? 

This message was being sent to amplify the demographic of people buying their alcohol and to produce more revenue

The second commercial we analyzed was a French technology company Telecom 

1. Who created this message? 

The telecom French company 

2. Which techniques are used to attract my attention? 

Using techniques of match cuts and jump cuts to show the little kid growing caught my attention because it was heart warming to see a relationship between a father rand son grow 

3. How might different people interpret this message? 

Different people might interpret this message as a way to convince people to buy technology and feed into the new lives of technological innovations while others might see it as a way in which technology connects family.

4. Which lifestyles, values, and point of view are represented-- or missing? What socio-economic group would most likely tap into this message?

This commercial aims to the view point of parents to have a deeper connection with kids as well as touching the sensitive parental side persuading them to buy technology. It also reaches young adults to stay connected with their parents. 

5. What is the message being sent? 

The message being sent is that technology allows to create deep connections with family and as technology evolves, the connections evolve with them. Keeping up to date with new technology results in connection with family.

6. Why is this message being sent? 

To convince an audience that updating your technology is necessary, bringing more profit towards company every time a new piece of technology comes out.