Monday, October 17, 2022

 Research: Representation

Representation in media is how different cultures, genders, ethnicities, and religions are presented. 

In movies, like Crazy Rich Asians representation was shown through ethnicity and culture. This movie was the fist all asian cast in the past 25 years with a contemporary story. 

This film made people of the same ethnicity and culture finally feel a connection between what was shown on screen and their personal life. 

Other movies like Get Out which Was produced by Jordan Peele, represents people of color and the connection between "white liberals and black people" according to medium website. 

Other forms of media like magazines have also started to expand in representation.Like on British Vogue, the first male, Timothée Chalamet was on the cover representing genders. In an interview Timothée explained how the use of typically "feminine" clothing was a way to expand and represent all the people who like to dress in their own way.

Clothing brands and stores have also started to expand their representations with models. The company Aerie, aims to make all people feel included and comfortable buying their clothes from the store. They have models representing all people like people with disability, plus size models, and all races and genders

I learned that representation in media is an important factor when considering what gets published to the public. Having representation for all people makes everyone feel included and creates a further and deeper connection between the audience and the media form being presented.