Monday, January 9, 2023

 Research: Genre in Final film opening worksheet 

    Today in class we completed an exercise to see how our films fit and broke contentions of our genre. These were my answers and explanations to each question: 

What  Genre  is your movie?  


What are the  Conventions of your Genre Selection ? 

Horrors and thrillers both create a growing tension and fear in them that leave the audience in suspense. They tend to include scenes with blood, death and aggression between people.




Set during the evening/ dark in a gasoline stop.


Mise-en Scene ? 

Props: a body part that falls from the trash bag, most likely a hand or finger

Camerawork: Using many types of angles like close up shots when focusing on the trash bag or establishment shot right when the scene starts to let the audience know where they are. 

Costume: For Sadie we are using dark colored clothing black and for Johnny we are sticking to a typical teen outfit, flannel shirt over some jeans. These were further explained in my other blog posts. 


Acting- Actors?

Sadie: Alexandra 

Johnny: Hugo 

We are using people from our media class to act in our film


Representation of Actors?   

Both of our actors are Hispanic so they will be representing the Hispanic community as well as a main character that is female representing the female community. 


Colour symbolism?

For the costumes we are using black for Sadie since it will represent suspicion and dark desire/ dark thoughts. The color black will be present through a lot of the film when outside it is going to be dark used to contrast the dark/ scary side with the good. 


Camerawork?  Types of Shots, angles, length of shots?

Using many types of angles like close up shots when focusing on the trash bag or establishment shot right when the scene starts to let the audience know where they are. 



Since I am in charge of editing, I still need to see how the shots will be filmed to know how I will edit the, together. I will be adding details like background sound and adding the title and rating of the film, I will also add the credits to run during the film opening.



For sound we are counting mainly on the sound produced in the film, diegetic sound. I light adds some sounds on top to enhance what was already produced like a bag of chips opening or footsteps.



For lighting I am also relying on the dark and the light from the gasoline stop to create shadows and show the suspicion and the sense of suspense. The contrast between dark and light is going add big importance to our film.


Printed language?  Titles?  Type of Fonts used? 

For printed language we are using darker letters  to represent the darkness that will be present in the film. Since another member of the group is in charge of the printed language they will know the specific print.



For this film we are following most conventions of horror/thriller by adding the suspense and tehe blood to our scenes. We drifted away from the convections slightly by making the main character the killer a female since the majority of killers in films are male. 


The narrative of the film will be that of an unconventional narrative. Since our film opening will stop in a suspenseful place and the audience will be left wanting more, it does not follow a conventional narrative. The film also does not start in a good place since it is already starting with an issue.


Audience Expectations :

The audience expectation is to feel a rush of excitement but fear at the same time since that is what the genre is suppose to evoke.


What is your screenplay’s ENIGMA? 

The enigma of the film opening is either body part which is either a hand or finger falling out of the garbage bag.


Are there any twists? 

Yes the twist will be the killer going over ot the body part and either holding it or keeping it in a creepy way.


Do these Correspond with the Audience expectations of your Genre?

In general the film opening follows the convention of the genre but the audience would be pleasantly surprised with the small twist and changes.