Sunday, January 15, 2023

 Planning: Preparing for day of filming reflection

The day before we filmed I got all of my supplies ready like the fake blood and lunch box and well as things needed for costumes. 

I made sure my phone was free of space since it is the device we used for filming. 

In class the day of filming, in the morning, I talked to the cast and made sure the costumes fit and were perfect for filming. 

Getting costumes ready before filming 

Although everything was planned the rainy weather was unforeseen for but it eventually stopped. 

We got permission from the gasoline stop worker to film.

props set up for filming 

I gave the props to one off my group members to keep in her car before filming but her car was crashed and had to be taken to get repaired with all the props in them so we had to wait until the car was fixed to get the props back. which delayed the set up for filming.

After that we made sure everything was in its place and our actors got to work to produce our final film opening!

Although some troubles were faced like the rain and the car being crashed we were able to persevere and take advantage of what we had even if it meant we had to improvise.