Friday, January 13, 2023


Planning: Props used for filming 

    The day of filming, multiple props were used to try and create the most realistic effect for the film opening. 


    I created and brought some of the main props used in the film that helped create a coherence between what was happening in the opening and what was being used. 


I used home ingredients to make the fake blood used. We had an issue with buying the blood since it would not arrive on time of shooting day and there was none in store nearby so I had to improvise. 


I searched up YouTube videos on how to make fake blood


 These were some of the videos I used but with some the blood came out looking opaque and for others I did not have the supplies necessary.


fake blood used 

I decided to create my own recipe and use ingredients I already had. I used Clear liquid glue that I had and mixed it with some water in order to make the consistence perfect, not too thick but not runny either. I mixed this with some red food coloring but the color was too red so in order to make the red deep, I mixed it with green food coloring until I got the perfect color and consistency to make it look like real blood. 


lunchbox with logo we had to cover 

I also brought a lunch box I had at home so that the killer could use to carry there blood and fingers. We had an issue that there was a company logo on the bag so we made sure that when it was being carried in the film the logo was always on the other side not shown on camera. 


In conclusion, I think that even though there were some obstacles with the props using my creativity helped create a solution to the problem.